Von Dutch

Die amerikanische Modemarke Von Dutch hat die Welt seit den frühen 2000er Jahren erobert, und im Jahr 2020 hat die Marke eine wahre Blüte erlebt. Menschen aus der ganzen Welt haben nach den Caps gefragt, die stark von Street Art, Motorrädern und Luxus beeinflusst werden.

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Von Dutch caps

The brand is created with inspiration from the 1950s America. Where words like adventure, authenticity and livery are words the describe the style of the brand.

The brand was made famous to the big audience by the french stylist Christian Audigier. He made Von Dutch popular even outside the Kustom Kulture movement. The most iconic product for the brand is the world famous Von Dutch trucker hat. That was an icon for celebrities during the ’00s. The Von Dutch cap is available in a lot of different styles. The most popular style is the Oval Patch trucker, that occurs in a lot of different colours. The Flying Eye is also a iconic and classic Von Dutch trucker style.